//func<int, int, int> func = new func<int, int, int>((m, n) => m * n + 2); func<int, int, int> func = (m, n) => m * n + 2;
expression<func<int, int, int>> exp = (m, n) => m * n + 2;//lambda表达式声明表达式目录树
expression<func<int, int, int>> exp1 = (m, n) =>//方法体只能一体 { return m * n + 2; };
int iresult1 = func.invoke(3, 2); int iresult2 = exp.compile().invoke(3, 2);
parameterexpression parameterleft = expression.parameter(typeof(int), "m");//定义参数 parameterexpression parameterright = expression.parameter(typeof(int), "n");//定义参数 binaryexpression binarymultiply = expression.multiply(parameterleft, parameterright);//组建第一步的乘法 constantexpression constant = expression.constant(2, typeof(int)); //定义常数参数 binaryexpression binaryadd = expression.add(binarymultiply, constant);//组建第二步的加法 var expression = expression.lambda<func<int, int, int>>(binaryadd, parameterleft, parameterright);//构建表达式 var func = expression.compile(); //编译为lambda表达式 int iresult3 = func(3, 2); int iresult4 = expression.compile().invoke(3, 2); int iresult5 = expression.compile()(3, 2);
public class people { public int age { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public int id; }
基于上面的类,构建表达式: expression<func<people, bool>> lambda = x => x.id.tostring().equals(“5”);
//以下表达式目录树实现lambda的表达式 expression<func<people, bool>> lambda = x => x.id.tostring().equals("5"); //声明一个参数对象 parameterexpression parameterexpression = expression.parameter(typeof(people), "x"); //查找字段, 并绑定访问参数对象字段(属性)的方法:x.id memberexpression member = expression.field(parameterexpression, typeof(people).getfield("id")); //以上可以用这个代替 var temp =expression.propertyorfield(parameterexpression, "id"); //调用字段的tostring方法:x.id.tostring() methodcallexpression method = expression.call(member, typeof(int).getmethod("tostring", new type[] { }), new expression[0]); //调用字符串的equals方法:x.id.tostring().equals("5") methodcallexpression methodequals = expression.call(method, typeof(string).getmethod("equals", new type[] { typeof(string) }), new expression[] { expression.constant("5", typeof(string))//与常量进行比较,也可以是参数 }); //创建目录树表达式 ar expression = expression.lambda<func<people, bool>>(methodequals, new parameterexpression[] {parameterexpression }); bool bresult = expression.compile().invoke(new people() { id = 5, name = "nigle", age = 31 });
public class peoplecopy { public int age { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public int id; }
1. 硬编码
people people = new people() { id = 11, name = "nigle", age = 31 }; peoplecopy peoplecopy = new peoplecopy() { id = people.id, name = people.name, age = people.age };
2. 反射拷贝
public static tout trans<tin, tout>(tin tin) { tout tout = activator.createinstance<tout>(); foreach (var itemout in tout.gettype().getproperties()) { foreach (var itemin in tin.gettype().getproperties()) { if (itemout.name.equals(itemin.name)) { itemout.setvalue(tout, itemin.getvalue(tin)); break; } } } foreach (var itemout in tout.gettype().getfields()) { foreach (var itemin in tin.gettype().getfields()) { if (itemout.name.equals(itemin.name)) { itemout.setvalue(tout, itemin.getvalue(tin)); break; } } } return tout; }
3. 序列化和反序列化
public class serializemapper { /// <summary>序列化反序列化方式/summary> public static tout trans<tin, tout>(tin tin) { //采用的是json序列化,也可以采用其他序列化方式 return jsonconvert.deserializeobject<tout>(jsonconvert.serializeobject(tin)); } }
4. 缓存+表达式目录
/// <summary> /// 生成表达式目录树 缓存 /// </summary> public class expressionmapper { private static dictionary<string, object> _dic = new dictionary<string, object>(); /// <summary> /// 字典缓存表达式树 /// </summary> public static tout trans<tin, tout>(tin tin) { string key = string.format("funckey_{0}_{1}", typeof(tin).fullname, typeof(tout).fullname); if (!_dic.containskey(key)) { parameterexpression parameterexpression = expression.parameter(typeof(tin), "p"); list<memberbinding> memberbindinglist = new list<memberbinding>(); foreach (var item in typeof(tout).getproperties()) { memberexpression property = expression.property(parameterexpression, typeof(tin).getproperty(item.name)); //绑定out和in之间的关系:age = p.age memberbinding memberbinding = expression.bind(item, property); memberbindinglist.add(memberbinding); } foreach (var item in typeof(tout).getfields()) { memberexpression property = expression.field(parameterexpression, typeof(tin).getfield(item.name)); memberbinding memberbinding = expression.bind(item, property); memberbindinglist.add(memberbinding); } memberinitexpression memberinitexpression = expression.memberinit(expression.new(typeof(tout)), memberbindinglist.toarray()); expression<func<tin, tout>> lambda = expression.lambda<func<tin, tout>>(memberinitexpression, parameterexpression); func<tin, tout> func = lambda.compile();//拼装是一次性的 _dic[key] = func; } return ((func<tin, tout>)_dic[key]).invoke(tin); } }
5. 泛型+表达式目录
/// <summary> /// 生成表达式目录树 泛型缓存 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="tin"></typeparam> /// <typeparam name="tout"></typeparam> public class expressiongenericmapper<tin, tout>//mapper`2 { private static func<tin, tout> func = null; static expressiongenericmapper() { parameterexpression parameterexpression = expression.parameter(typeof(tin), "p"); list<memberbinding> memberbindinglist = new list<memberbinding>(); foreach (var item in typeof(tout).getproperties()) { memberexpression property = expression.property(parameterexpression, typeof(tin).getproperty(item.name)); memberbinding memberbinding = expression.bind(item, property); memberbindinglist.add(memberbinding); } foreach (var item in typeof(tout).getfields()) { memberexpression property = expression.field(parameterexpression, typeof(tin).getfield(item.name)); memberbinding memberbinding = expression.bind(item, property); memberbindinglist.add(memberbinding); } memberinitexpression memberinitexpression = expression.memberinit(expression.new(typeof(tout)), memberbindinglist.toarray()); expression<func<tin, tout>> lambda = expression.lambda<func<tin, tout>>(memberinitexpression, new parameterexpression[] { parameterexpression }); func = lambda.compile();//拼装是一次性的 } public static tout trans(tin t) { return func(t); } }
6. automapper
public class automappertest { public static tout trans<tin, tout>(tin tin) { return automapper.mapper.instance.map<tout>(tin); } }
测评:对上述6种方式进行测评,每一种拷贝方式运行100 0000次:
stopwatch watch = new stopwatch(); watch.start(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { //测试六种方法 peoplecopy peoplecopy = new peoplecopy() {id = people.id, name = people.name,age = people.age}; //直接赋值的方式复制--22ms //peoplecopy peoplecopy = reflectionmapper.trans<people, peoplecopy>(people); //反射赋值的方式复制---1573ms //peoplecopy peoplecopy = serializemapper.trans<people, peoplecopy>(people); //序列化方式---2716ms //peoplecopy peoplecopy = expressionmapper.trans<people, peoplecopy>(people); //表达式目录树 缓存 复制---517ms //peoplecopy peoplecopy = expressiongenericmapper<people, peoplecopy>.trans(people); //表达式目录树 泛型缓存--77ms //peoplecopy peoplecopy = automappertest.trans<people, peoplecopy>(people); //automapper---260ms } watch.stop(); console.writeline($"耗时:{ watch.elapsedmilliseconds} ms");
people p = new people() { id = 11, name = "nigle", age = 31 }; //拼装sql的方式 string sql = "select * from user where id=1"; if (string.isnullorwhitespace(p.name)) { sql += $" and name like '%{p.name}%'"; } sql += $" and age >{p.age}";
事实上,我们偶尔我们会使用linq查询或者lambda表达式,用于条件筛选,如var lambda = x => x.age > 5; 事实上,我们可以构建上述expression:
people p = new people() { id = 11, name = "nigle", age = 31 }; //拼装表达式目录树,交给下端用 parameterexpression parameterexpression = expression.parameter(typeof(people), "x");//声明一个参数 expression propertyexpression = expression.property(parameterexpression, typeof(people).getproperty("age"));//声明访问参数属性的对象 //expression property = expression.field(parameterexpression, typeof(people).getfield("id")); constantexpression constantexpression = expression.constant(5, typeof(int));//声明一个常量 binaryexpression binary = expression.greaterthan(propertyexpression, constantexpression);//添加比较方法 var lambda = expression.lambda<func<people, bool>>(binary, new parameterexpression[] { parameterexpression });//构建表达式主体 bool bresult = lambda.compile().invoke(p); //比较值
expressionvisitor类中的visit(expression node)是解读表达式的入口,然后能够神奇的区分参数和方法体,然后将表达式调度到此类中更专用的访问方法中,然后一层一层的解析下去,直到最终的叶节点!
internal class operationsvisitor : expressionvisitor { public expression modify(expression expression) { return this.visit(expression); } protected override expression visitbinary(binaryexpression b) { if (b.nodetype == expressiontype.add) { expression left = this.visit(b.left); expression right = this.visit(b.right); return expression.subtract(left, right); } return base.visitbinary(b); } protected override expression visitconstant(constantexpression node) { return base.visitconstant(node); } }
//修改表达式目录树 expression<func<int, int, int>> exp = (m, n) => m * n + 2; operationsvisitor visitor = new operationsvisitor(); expression expnew = visitor.modify(exp); int? iresult = (expnew as expression<func<int, int, int>>)?.compile().invoke(2, 3);
visit这个这个方法能够识别出来 m*n+2 是个二叉树,会通过下面的图然后一步一步的进行解析,如果遇到m*n 这会直接调用visitbinary(binaryexpression b)这个方法,如果遇到m或者n会调用visitparameter(parameterexpression node)这个方法,如果遇到2常量则会调用visitconstant(constantexpression node)。
经常用到ef,其实都是继承queryable,然后我们使用的ef通常都会使用 var items = anserdo.getall().where(x => x.organizationid == input.oid || input.oid == 0) ,where其实传的就是表达式目录树。ef写的where等lambda表达式,就是通过expressionvisitor这个类来反解析的!后面将构建模拟ef的解析方法。
/// <summary> /// 表达式目录树中的访问者 /// </summary> internal class conditionbuildervisitor : expressionvisitor { /// <summary> /// 用于存放条件等数据 /// </summary> private stack<string> _stringstack = new stack<string>(); /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> internal string condition() { string condition = string.concat(this._stringstack.toarray()); this._stringstack.clear(); return condition; } /// <summary> /// 如果是二元表达式 /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override expression visitbinary(binaryexpression node) { if (node == null) throw new argumentnullexception("binaryexpression"); this._stringstack.push(")"); base.visit(node.right);//解析右边 this._stringstack.push(" " + tosqloperator(node.nodetype) + " "); base.visit(node.left);//解析左边 this._stringstack.push("("); return node; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override expression visitmember(memberexpression node) { if (node == null) throw new argumentnullexception("memberexpression"); this._stringstack.push(" [" + node.member.name + "] "); return node; return base.visitmember(node); } /// <summary> /// 将节点类型转换为sql的操作符 /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> string tosqloperator(expressiontype type) { switch (type) { case (expressiontype.andalso): case (expressiontype.and): return "and"; case (expressiontype.orelse): case (expressiontype.or): return "or"; case (expressiontype.not): return "not"; case (expressiontype.notequal): return "<>"; case expressiontype.greaterthan: return ">"; case expressiontype.greaterthanorequal: return ">="; case expressiontype.lessthan: return "<"; case expressiontype.lessthanorequal: return "<="; case (expressiontype.equal): return "="; default: throw new exception("不支持该方法"); } } /// <summary> /// 常量表达式 /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override expression visitconstant(constantexpression node) { if (node == null) throw new argumentnullexception("constantexpression"); this._stringstack.push(" '" + node.value + "' "); return node; } /// <summary> /// 方法表达式 /// </summary> /// <param name="m"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override expression visitmethodcall(methodcallexpression m) { if (m == null) throw new argumentnullexception("methodcallexpression"); string format; switch (m.method.name) { case "startswith": format = "({0} like {1}+'%')"; break; case "contains": format = "({0} like '%'+{1}+'%')"; break; case "endswith": format = "({0} like '%'+{1})"; break; default: throw new notsupportedexception(m.nodetype + " is not supported!"); } this.visit(m.object); this.visit(m.arguments[0]); string right = this._stringstack.pop(); string left = this._stringstack.pop(); this._stringstack.push(string.format(format, left, right)); return m; } }
{ expression<func<people, bool>> lambda = x => x.age > 5 && x.id > 5 && x.name.startswith("1") && x.name.endswith("1") && x.name.contains("2"); //“ x => x.age > 5 && x.id > 5”等同于sql语句 string sql = string.format("delete from [{0}] where {1}", typeof(people).name, " [age]>5 and [id] >5"); conditionbuildervisitor vistor = new conditionbuildervisitor(); vistor.visit(lambda); console.writeline(vistor.condition()); } { expression<func<people, bool>> lambda = x => x.age > 5 && x.name == "a" || x.id > 5; conditionbuildervisitor vistor = new conditionbuildervisitor(); vistor.visit(lambda); console.writeline(vistor.condition()); } { expression<func<people, bool>> lambda = x => x.age > 5 || (x.name == "a" && x.id > 5); conditionbuildervisitor vistor = new conditionbuildervisitor(); vistor.visit(lambda); console.writeline(vistor.condition()); } { expression<func<people, bool>> lambda = x => (x.age > 5 || x.name == "a") && x.id > 5; conditionbuildervisitor vistor = new conditionbuildervisitor(); vistor.visit(lambda); console.writeline(vistor.condition()); }
/// <summary> /// 合并表达式 and or not扩展 /// </summary> public static class expressionextend { /// <summary>合并表达式 expleft and expright</summary> public static expression<func<t, bool>> and<t>(this expression<func<t,bool>> expleft,expression<func<t,bool>> expright) { //用于将参数名进行替换,二者参数不一样 parameterexpression newparameter = expression.parameter(typeof(t), "c"); newexpressionvisitor visitor = new newexpressionvisitor(newparameter); //需要先将参数替换为一致的,可能参数名不一样 var left = visitor.replace(expleft.body);//左侧的表达式 var right = visitor.replace(expright.body);//右侧的表达式 var body = expression.and(left, right);//合并表达式 return expression.lambda<func<t, bool>>(body, newparameter); } /// <summary>合并表达式 expr1 or expr2</summary> public static expression<func<t, bool>> or<t>(this expression<func<t, bool>> expr1, expression<func<t, bool>> expr2) { parameterexpression newparameter = expression.parameter(typeof(t), "c"); newexpressionvisitor visitor = new newexpressionvisitor(newparameter); //需要先将参数替换为一致的,可能参数名不一样 var left = visitor.replace(expr1.body); var right = visitor.replace(expr2.body); var body = expression.or(left, right); return expression.lambda<func<t, bool>>(body, newparameter); } public static expression<func<t, bool>> not<t>(this expression<func<t, bool>> expr) { var candidateexpr = expr.parameters[0]; var body = expression.not(expr.body); return expression.lambda<func<t, bool>>(body, candidateexpr); } /// <summary>参数替换者 </summary> class newexpressionvisitor : expressionvisitor { public parameterexpression _newparameter { get; private set; } public newexpressionvisitor(parameterexpression param) { this._newparameter = param;//用于把参数替换了 } /// <summary> 替换</summary> public expression replace(expression exp) { return this.visit(exp); } protected override expression visitparameter(parameterexpression node) { //返回新的参数名 return this._newparameter; } } }
expression<func<people, bool>> lambda1 = x => x.age > 5; expression<func<people, bool>> lambda2 = p => p.id > 5; expression<func<people, bool>> lambda3 = lambda1.and(lambda2); expression<func<people, bool>> lambda4 = lambda1.or(lambda2); expression<func<people, bool>> lambda5 = lambda1.not(); list<people> people = new list<people>() { new people(){id=4,name="123",age=4}, new people(){id=5,name="234",age=5}, new people(){id=6,name="345",age=6}, }; list<people> lst1 = people.where(lambda3.compile()).tolist(); list<people> lst2 = people.where(lambda4.compile()).tolist(); list<people> lst3 = people.where(lambda5.compile()).tolist();