
  对于惊艳的兰姨来说 ,最后故意跑调还是惊艳无比(奥斯卡女配连声音都自黑 这剧不能付出再多了) 第一集最后几分钟终于明白了兰姨的苦衷,和第一季的角色有些类似,对自己畸形的孩子爱恨交加(唐氏综合症 小阿) 爱他们的同时也是为了满足自己的某些个人私欲(为了有观众看自己在台上唱歌表演)。 个人觉得MARS这角色是年轻时候有美国梦的德国女孩,毫无疑问它最大的特色在里面包含了一些具有意义非凡美国恐怖故事经典美文,时常在脑海出现。张承辉博客收集了一些美文在这里奉献给爱好这部美国电视剧的人们。

  The loneliness, the heartbreak, the sacrifice you’ll face as a woman with a dream on her own. 孤独、心碎一集牺牲,这是有梦想的女人今后必将面对的。

  Don’t you ever let a man tell you who you are or make you feel like you are less than he is. It’s 1971 and you can do anything you want.

  Never take a a job just for money, find something that you love, do something you want.


  lies are like scars on your soul, they destroy you.


  Jude: A girl like you, you like to dream large.

  Lana: You make ambition sound like a sin.

  Jude: No, I’m saying it’s dangerous.

  Lana: What about you?! Saving these soul of madmen and killers is pretty lofty ambition, wouldn’t you say?

  Jude: And you cannot imagine what it took to get here.

  Lana: I’d love to hear your story someday.

  Jude: No. I don’t think you and I are destined to meet again. But I do hope you know what you’re in for. The loneliness, the heartbreaks, the sacrifice you’ll face as a woman with a dream on her own.

  Lana: You don’t have any idea what I am capable of.

  Jude: Well, then. Look at you, Miss Lana Banana, Just remember, if you look in the face of evil, evil is going to look right back at you.如尼采所说的“与怪物战斗的人,应当小心自己不要成为怪物。当你远远凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你

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