
  在我目前的心境中,应该再看一遍《永不妥协》。无论是对个人事业,还是对爱情,都不应该放弃勇气以及成功的希望! 片名:《永不妥协》 出品:美国 主演:朱丽娅·罗伯兹 阿尔拔·芬尼 获奖情况:2001年度奥斯卡最佳女主角奖 艾琳在片子的序幕中是个大倒霉蛋。这个曾经在地区选美大赛中得中后冠的性感女人在现实生但同时认为它最大的特色在里面包含了一些具有特殊意义的经典台词,时常在脑海出现。张承辉博客收集了一些台词在这里奉献给爱好这部动作电影的人们。

  I don’t need a pity. I need a payback. And I’ve looked. But when you spend the past six years raising babies… it’s real hard to convince someone to give you a job that pays worth a damn. Are you getting every word of this down, honey, or am I talking too fast for you?


  This job… for the first time in my life I’ve got people respecting me. Up in Hinckley… I walk into a room and everyone shuts up to hear if I’ve got something to say. I never had that before. Ever.


  There are two things that aggravate me, Mr. Masry: being ignored and being lied to.


  I think I look nice. And as long as I have one ass instead of two, I’ll wear what I like… if that’s okay.


  Either you gotta find a different job or a different guy.


  Do they teach lawyers to apologize? Because you suck at it.


  We’ll figure it out. I admit I don’t know shit about shit… but I know the difference between right and wrong!


  Don’t talk to me like I’m an idiot okay. I may not have a law degree, but I’ve spent months on this case… and I know more about these plaintiffs than you ever will.


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